Everything You Need To Stay Cozy This Fall

Fall is the best season! Who doesn’t love the changing leaves? Or the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and an excuse to wear boots and baggy sweaters? It comes and goes so fast. Don’t get me wrong… I love all things Christmas… but I wish we could hold onto the crisp autumn air a little bit longer. In an attempt to pretend like it’s still October outside, I’ve gathered a few of my favorites this fall. The scarf pictured above is from Anthro and I’m OBSESSED. I never used to be a scarf person but I’ve bought a few this year and am trying to embrace them.

PSA the Pumpkin Chai candle is THE BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD. I’ve literally been burning it all day, every day and have multiple people ask about it whenever they’re over. It’s worth every penny!


PS. I hope you appreciate the llama pillow as much as I do.