Neutrals You Need

Needing neutrals now. #alliterationsforlife

I recently returned from a trip to Europe and may I say THEY REALLY KNOW HOW TO DRESS. Literally every store in Amsterdam had me HeArT-eYeS over everything. I’ve been looking at tickets back for the last few days mostly because I’m full of regret for not stepping into Arket. You think I’m kidding, but ask my husband. I haven’t shut up about it. I was just overwhelmed with the amazing food, thrift shops, American Vintage (!!) and all of the other goodness that I totally let it slip off my radar. If you’re in Europe please go to Arket for me and ship the whole store to my front porch. I said please.

Back to what I was getting at…

Europeans rock neutrals like nobody else. And I want in on the party. So, I decided to gather some of my favorite pieces I’ve seen lately (a lot are on sale, too!) and share them with you!

Where are your favorite places to shop timeless, classic pieces? You know I always need more shopping recommendations. 🙂